Amusement Adult Dinosaur Costume For Sale

From the hard disc in my computer, I found one classic realistic dinosaur costume for sale, it is designed for adults to operate, in fact, most of the dinosaur costumes will be in sizes of 4m in length, this is proved to be the most suitable sizes for adults to control, only in this condition, there will be enough space inside to allow the adults to control the movements, and in this way the movements of dinosaur will be smooth and much more vivid.

This dinosaur costume is highly required by our client, and the result is satisfying, you can see clearly the neck twisting with realistic stripes, and the silicon teeth is much sharp, but actually no harm to any person in fact; and the tongue is so vivid. It is like the dinosaur is making the sounds from its own tongue.

From the sunlight, the T-Rex costume looks like the super star, even the T-Rex is so conspicuous than any other animatronic dinosaur in other sides when performing, the head can look up so high and so low like the Jurassic Park movie shows.



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